Best boudoir

Let Boudoir Photography Change The Way You See Yourself

Choosing portraiture photography is a powerful step toward self-discovery, self-expression, and increased self-confidence. Professional portrait photography is an artistic and insightful medium that helps to capture your unique persona and beauty. This art form allows you to create a visual narrative of your life, express your personality, and capture memorable moments in a particular era that means a lot to you. In this blog post courtesy of Brooklyn Boudoir, we'll explore how professional boudoir portrait photography can boost your self-confidence and change your outlook.

Change the Way You See Yourself

A professional portrait session with an experienced photographer can help you see yourself in a new light. The photographer will create an environment where you feel comfortable, relaxed, and confident. They'll guide you through the process of posing and help you to find your best angles. A portrait session is an opportunity for you to explore your personality and showcase your unique beauty. By capturing the essence of who you are, you will be able to see yourself in a way that you may never have before.

Capture An Era

Portrait photography captures unique moments in a person's life. These moments can range from a special celebration to a personal achievement; sometimes, they simply mark a major life change that becomes a turning point. A professional portrait photographer will capture these moments in a way that reflects your individuality and personality. They'll create an image that tells the story you want to tell.

Banish Insecurities

Many people struggle with insecurities about their appearance or personality. A professional portrait session can help you overcome these feelings so you can create an image that is both beautiful and empowering. Whether you've recently had a child or are working on the process of self-love, the act of having your portrait taken can help you refocus your energy into a more positive form.

Unleash Your Creativity

Portrait photography is a powerful medium for personal exploration and creativity. It provides an opportunity for you to express yourself, showcase your unique personality, and experiment with different styles and themes. A professional portrait photographer will work with you to create images that reflect your personality, interests, and passions. This session provides a creative outlet for personal exploration, which can be both enjoyable and empowering.

Photo via Adobe Stock

Take Your Images Even Further With Adobe Express

Once you have your professional portrait photos, there are a variety of ways to enjoy them and showcase your unique personality. Adobe Express is a powerful photo editing app that allows you to create beautiful projects with your favorite images. You can use these tools to create photo cards and other keepsakes using your high-quality images; here are some examples.

  • Create a beautiful anniversary card for your loved one using your favorite photo. This is a great way to incorporate your photo session into your special day. Just choose the template you like best and include the photo of your choosing.

  • Make a sweet Valentine’s Day card for your significant other using your favorite shot from the session. Not only is this a great memento, it’s easy to do. Just upload the image and use the tool to add fun or romantic text.

  • Create a beautiful photo calendar that uses a different boudoir photo for each day of the month. This makes a great gift for a special someone. Adobe’s templates make the process easy; the hardest part is deciding which photos to use!

  • You don’t need design skills to create a gorgeous desktop wallpaper. Adobe makes it super easy, and you can have a beautiful reminder of your photo shoot completed in minutes. Choose your colors and customize the wallpaper with different fonts or icons.

Professional portrait photography is a powerful medium for self-expression and personal growth. It provides an opportunity for you to explore your personality, showcase your unique beauty, and capture memorable moments in your life. By choosing a professional boudoir portrait session, you can boost your self-confidence, see yourself in a new light, overcome insecurities, explore your creativity, and enjoy your photos for years to come.

Ready to see yourself in a new light? Get in touch with the pros at Brooklyn Boudoir today to set up a session.

Just do it, Seize the Day, and other Clichés that are True

Happy New Year all!  It’s the day of resolutions, the day we set all the good intentions about bettering ourselves and not falling into the same patterns as last year.  My goal for this year?  Rev up this business.  Blog more.  Get on top of my social media.  Shoot more.  Find more like minded women to collaborate with.  

But wait, I think my phone needs updating.  I should do that first.  And that pile of papers that’s been sitting on my desk - that definitely needs addressing.  Is there milk in the fridge?  Hmm, yeah, I should probably go to the store and get some fresh milk cause I wouldn’t want for it to run out just when I need a big cup of coffee, which I will definitely need before I start all the blogging I plan on doing…

Brooklyn Boudoir was conceived several years ago while I was visiting my husband’s family in Miami.  A friend of ours had done a boudoir shoot as a Christmas gift for her fiance.  This woman was not traditionally sexy - she was rather tomboyish and I was shocked that she would choose to give her partner a boudoir portrait for Christmas.  And at the same time I was completely inspired.

It was such an ah-ha moment for me.  I had been wanting to build a portraiture business but had no real interest in photographing babies or children, or weddings.  I had already been exploring boudoir without knowing it or assigning the word “boudoir” to it in a self-portrait project.  I had no idea that boudoir could even be a business!  It was a perfect fit, something I had already essentially been doing, and a perfect marriage between all my interests - portraiture, sensuality, girl power…  and I felt so validated to know that there were other women out there who wanted to celebrate their sensuality in the same ways that I did.

Photography I felt comfortable with, but building a business??  That was a totally different story.  First I need to build up my portfolio.  And create a logo of course, and create business cards, and study the specifics of boudoir photography and of course then study what it takes to build a small business … and then I got pregnant.

And suddenly it’s 2 years later and while there have been a lot of valid delays to revving up the business (I had a baby after all), there were a lot that we mere procrastinations.  And procrastinations of course, just boil down to fear — fear of failure, fear of putting myself out there, fear of judgement, fear of not being able to provide for my family, fear of … 

How often is it that the anticipation of something is way scarier than the actual DOING of it??   I can either casually see what happens, or actively pursue the career that I’m passionate about, that I’m good at, that i can help people with.  Or, I can spend my time doing chores, browsing Facebook and letting more months pass by.  

Look, life happens, chores need to be done.  But here’s to spending 2017 working towards something for YOU, procrastinating the procrastinating and actively following your heart.  

The answer is YES - YES, this is the right time, YES you can do it, YES to whatever it is you want to do.

So let’s do this thing!  2017, yee-ha!

xoxo, Stephanie