how do I love my body

It's about more than pretty pictures | Brooklyn Boudoir Photography Studio

I often receive fun comments from readers and every so often a comment comes in that really touches me.  A few weeks ago I posted about embracing your body the way it is, which in my case, meant coming to terms with my flat chest.  I want to share this comment, which comes from (of all people) a single father:

Hi Stephanie, I wanted to thank you for writing (and posting) your article about your small ta-ta's.  I'm a single father with two kids, one being a nineteen year old young lady, named E--.  She, like her mother,  also came under the "average" size in the breast department.  And being keenly aware of her feelings, I've always sort of known that it bothered her more than she would ever admit.  As she matured, and noticed that she wasn't quite filling out her clothes the way some of her other girl friends had, I found myself struggling to come up with the right words or the way to reassure her that she is beautiful through and through.  That is, until your article.  After reading it, I literally welled up, laughed, and went through an emotional ride that I couldn't wait to share with E--.  She read it, and gave me a big hug, told me she loved me and thanked me with a heartfelt sincerity. So I wanted to pass this on to you, and to thank you once again.  People say it takes a village to raise a child.  And up to this point, I've been doing so much on my own, but I realize now and again, that the saying is true.  Sometimes we have an effect on people and their lives and aren't even aware of it.  So thank you so so much for taking the time to write it and put it out there... and now you're aware.

I literally teared up reading this and was reminded of why I love shooting boudoir so much.  Yes, a boudoir shoot is a fun day out, a luxurious treat, and getting photos of yourself looking sexy & fabulous is definitely a bonus.  But boudoir is so much than just sexy pictures - it's about having the courage to accept yourself as you are and give yourself that kick in the pants you might need to remember how brave, bold, sexy, fierce, EMPOWERED you are.  Can you do that fully clothed?  Sure.  But what better gift to yourself is there than to put your insecurities aside, challenge yourself to step outside your comfort zone and allow yourself see how beautiful you are, just as you are.

I remember being 16 years old at the beach with some friends.  Having always been flat chested and somewhat pear shaped, I remember feeling like I had the "worst" body, and letting my self-consciousness ruin my time.  Years later I found a photo from that very day -- I couldn't believe how great I looked!  And I really couldn't believe how I let myself waste so much time and energy on those negative feelings from adolescence through adulthood.  As a boudoir photographer, if I can save one woman from those poisonous and self-sabotaging feelings and help her find that UMPH inside of herself again, regardless of how she fills out her swimsuits, I'll feel that I've succeeded.

Ready to get YOUR umph back?  Contact me here or email me directly at

xoxo, Stephanie